Brake plates Goldfren 094 K1
Supplier/manufacturer details
Name: GOLD FREN s.r.o.
Poběžovice u Holic
Česká republika
APRILIAETX 125 99 - 01 R F front, R rear MX 125 04 - 06 R125 Tuareg Rally 89 - 93 R125 Tuareg Rally (L/M) 90 - 91 RRX 125 92 Show all
In stock 1 piece
ETX 125 99 - 01 R F front, R rear
MX 125 04 - 06 R
125 Tuareg Rally 89 - 93 R
125 Tuareg Rally (L/M) 90 - 91 R
RX 125 92 - 01 R
125 Pegaso 91 R
600 Pegaso 91 R
600 Tuareg Wind 89 R
125 Pegaso KAT 94 - 95 R
Moto 6.5 95 - 01 R
600 Pegaso 91 R
650 Pegaso 91 - 00 R
125 Jonathan 02 - 05 R
W12 „350“ 93 - 95 R
W16 „600“ 94 - 98 R
50 Eaglet 96 R
50 RC Top Rally 90 - F&R
F10 Jetline 91 - 93 F
50 America 91 - F
50 X-Limit 02 R
Baghira -Forest HR - 21“
front wheel/spoke wheel 96 - 05 R
Baghira - Street Moto - 17“
front wheel/spoke wheel 96 - 05 R
Baghira - 21“ front wheel/
spoke wheel 99 - 05 R
Baghira - Black Panther - 17“
front wheel/spoke wheel 96 - 03 R
Mastiff - 21“ front wheel/
spoke wheel 96 - 05 R
DT 50 R-L (SM-5VB1/VG55BK) 02 - 03 F
TDR 125 (3HS1/3XD0/3SH3/3XD01) 89 - 93 R
50 Caballero Regolarita Casa 06 - 09 R
50 Caballero Supersei Motard 06 - 09 R
125 Caballero Regolarita Casa 07 - 08 R
125 Caballero Supersei Motard 07 - 09 R
HONDA HM (Italy)
CRE 50 Six 01 - 02 R
CRE 50 Six/Baja/Derapage 95 - 02 R
CRE 50 Six/Baja/Derapage
Grimeca caliper 95 - 02 F&R
XTC 125 Supersport 00 - 07 R
XTC 125 N 00 - 07 R
125 X Road 06 - 07 R
650 Roadster 01 - 04 R

Our Store
Not far from Strakonice, in the small village of Jinín next to the world-famous motocross track, you will find our MEFO store. Here, you will always be greeted by friendly salespeople who will be at your disposal throughout your entire shopping experience.